Monday, April 29, 2013

Slavin Ranch Conservation Area


I NEVER have lived somewhere that I had to worry about checking your body for ticks after hiking! It is so gross and people have been telling me that it is no big deal and they are only out during April and May. Luckily I have not found one on my body yet, however on this hike, every time we stopped someone had one crawling on their clothing. I wanted to die it was so gross. When we got back to the car and I took my baby carrier off, there was one crawling on Tate's hat! Ahhh! They are going after my baby!

It is too bad because the hike was gorgeous with nice weather, lots of wildlife, and a wonderful group of hikers. This conservation area is really close to where we live. It was nice to hike in my neck of the woods. Just pray I never have one of those suckers dig in on me!

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