Sunday, August 21, 2011

Summer Hiking Recap

We had a fabulous Summer of hiking and adventure.  We both are really sad to start school next week where our days out in the mountains and canyons will be replaced by days in the classroom and lab.  But so is life! Education in so important! As we were looking back on our adventures this summer, I thought it may be a good opportunity to try a new project on iMovie.  So enjoy this simple slideshow reviewing our favorite hikes of the season.

And don't worry, the adventures don't end with the school year, still to come in the Fall of 2011:

Fat Man's Misery Canyon (Zion National Park)
Canyon and Wakeboarding adventures from Lake Powell
The St. George Marathon
The Pfiefferhorn Summit
Provo Halloween Half Marathon
Winter Adventures in the Grand Canyon

Get Excited!

1 comment:

April said...

Wow...we loved the video but looks like you now need to come to CO for some hiking.=)